We started this podcast because of a love of FileMaker and wanting to share our thoughts and ideas with the FileMaker community. We are both absolutely delighted at how many downloads we’ve had in a very short period of time but, of course, the icing on the cake, is when we hear from our listeners and, on this page, we’re going to share those comments with everybody. We’d love to hear from you.
Well FMJunkie, thank you; I think. John and I both howled with laughter when reading this comment. Best wishes from your hosts, Irritated & Anal Retentive
Gracias a los tres por otro episodio divertido e interesante. (Thanks to the 3 of you for another fun and interesting episode).
I am a computer geek by day, and a drum instructor by night. It was great to hear so many of your insights and differences on training and learning and how different classes and learning are today than just a year or two ago. I agree that video and online training is the future of learning. Books can be enjoyable, but will decline as generations grow up and grow old.
Lo siento Michael, I respectfully disagree with the point that you don’t need to know how something works to operate it. That perspective only applies to the average user in the optimal situation. As soon as anything starts to go wrong, if you understand how it works, you can better correct or compensate for the problem or malfunction. Whether flying, driving, FileMaking or drumming, understanding how it works helps do it better. JMHO.
Michael’s Reply. Fair point but what I was saying and stand by is that I don’t have to know how everything works. I certainly don’t know the detail of how a car runs and if mine goes wrong, I call a mechanic. Could i learn? Sure. Am I interested enough to do so? Nope. I know how things work when they are important and of interest to me; FileMaker for example.
Love the show, and the accents! Rob Pellandini
I’ve just found time while out for a run to listen to the second part of the interview (with Rick Kalman and Robert Holsey), which was extremely interesting – the first part is a good lead-in to the second part which has got excellent content and I would thoroughly recommend it for anyone with an interest in where Filemaker is going – or at least where product management are taking its capabilities. Well done chaps! Nick Lightbody, UK
… love the podcast whilst commuting from Waterloo to Blackfriars
Edward Callaghan
Very interesting stuff. I have already listened to many of them.
David Klawiter
Center for Creative Computing, University of Notre Dame
… you two are doing a very great job and I love to listen to you guys all the time. When Claris was mentioned and reborn, my first thought was, I’ll like to hear what you two think about it and I just finished listening to your views. If there’s anything I took from today’s podcast, it’s “…you’re not sure about the future but it looks bright” Osbert Yao Volur, Ghana
I also thought I’d add some thoughts on what specifically I like about your podcast, which forced me to think a bit. I think it’s a combination of your enthusiasm and your genuineness/sincerity, plus of course your obvious competence. Competence of course is necessary but without the first 2 it’s just boring or even annoying. So thank you for the stories you share about yourselves and your experiences, and for the opinions and insights you share. Keep at it, please. As you say ’2 old FM developers just chatting”. Very nice.
Charles Holdener
This podcast is great! (A Conversation with Claris – Part 1). MonkeyBreadSoftware
Great Podcast. These guys have years of FileMaker development experience and can give your learning a great turbo boost. Billion12345 (iTunes)
Thank you very much for the best FM podcast ever … a great and entertaining podcast. Ulrich Graser
Thanks so much for this Podcast – it is awesome. NOT just for FileMaker Geeks….it is also GREAT for In-house developers as well as a company considering having a Filemaker custom solution created for them. Rob Riedlinger
… the ones I’ve listened to have been a good listen. I don’t always get around other FileMaker folk in person so it’s nice to hear it talked about in this format. Thanks! Wookiebeef (Reddit)
This podcast is terrific – very enjoyable to listen to and great hosting style! Charis Booker
First, many thanks for all of your hard work on this podcast. I’ve been listening for a little while now, and I always find your suggestions & tips helpful, especially your contrasting views & approaches to development. Jonathan Gottlieb
FireSide podcast hosts and their podcast are amazing. Very authentic and honest. Strongly recommend to listen to Richard Carlton being on there most recently as well.
Richard Carlton talking you feel the dedication and love for FM from all user level perspective. FileKraft (via FMSoup)
I just finished listening to your latest podcast. You guys are doing a great job with those. Colin Campbell, Boulder, CO
Enjoying the podcast!! It’s great to have a good resource to listen to. I really enjoy listening and getting a great perspective on how development has shaped your visions on FileMaker. It’s great to have a podcast like this. It makes me feel a bit more productive when I am going for a walk or driving to have something like this playing. Jared Hague
Now that I listened to it, I can say this is something we all should listen to. I’m not going to give away anything. Go listen to it for yourselves.
On a side note, with this, added to the 2021 Vision and the participation of both Britta and Andy at a recent FMDiSC event also available on youtube, Claris has given us a lot of content about what is going on. This is great, and I hope they stay on that trend. Bobino (via FMSoap)
I’m enjoying your podcast, Fireside FileMaker. I think its a great resource for my email list (993 people), so I recently recommended the episode of you interviewing Rick Kalman and Robert Holsey in my latest newsletter Hopefully, many will become subscribers to your podcast! Daniel Shanahan, New Leaf Data, LLC
Thank you both, for making this recording and giving us an interface to people at “The Wedge”. This gives us a unique opportunity to listen to the most important people and to hear the story behind many of the features on the developer side of the product. Arild Schönberg
“I just watched your Fireside podcast and I am in full agreement with most of the topics both you Gentlemen cover, it was really great, enjoyed it immensely.” Paul Wilkinson
Thanks for creating this podcast. Interesting to hear your thoughts on various things FileMaker. For example, I always felt like I should be considering the Separation Model but now feel fine ignoring it.
I’ve been listening to your podcast and wanted to let you know how much it is appreciated that developers of your caliber are sharing your insights. I’ve found that the FileMaker community has always been giving of time and knowledge and you both are great examples. Thomas Mokwa
Great podcast guys! Thanks! William T Miller
Timeless advice for developers and life in general! (KISS) Robert Jackson
Let me start by saying how much I have enjoyed the podcast so far, just finished episode 7 (Welcome Back Claris). I use to hear lot of podcast at the same time but since I discovered yours last week, I have been focused on yours only. Thanks for the good stuff and please keep up the good work.
Gisael Gustavo Gómez González
I appreciate that both of you very busy gentleman took the time out to give a candid and transparent view of certification. The time spent listening to the podcast, was well worth it. Thank you both for your unique perspective.
Mike (on Podbean)
I just wanted to say that this last episode of Fireside FileMaker on the ubiquitous calculation engine was great. That’s the kind of episode I’m looking for from experienced developers like yourselves. I love hearing about the philosophy behind programming practices, and actually learning something. It really helps in filling in knowledge gaps and making us all better programmers. Dusty Hanes
“The podcast is like a tradesman going to the supply house and listening to the old timers talk about techniques and opinions waiting at the counter. You learn more from listening to them than any class you can take” David Trotsky
Congratulations on the download counter! We enjoy listening to your podcasts here at MBS. Christian Schmitz
Love the podcast. Jeff Hernandez
Being a self-made FMP developer, it is with a lot of pleasure that I listen to your podcasts, mostly when I’m walking, running, or riding my bike. … my compliments for both the valuable content of the podcast (really practice oriented and down to earth) and the pleasurable atmosphere with which you’re doing it. It’s like I’m with some good friends talking interesting FMP issues. I recognise a lot in your practices; many things I found out thru trial and error, like you did. Paul Sandwijk